Koji Miyazaki
Koji Miyazaki specialises in jewellery creation. He uses silver, gold, pearls, wood and
sometimes sand to create jewellery that portrays balance and harmony.
Koji is the director of Form Gallery in Christchurch. In 1988, he
graduated from Hiko Mizuno College of Jewellery in Tokyo, Japan. After graduation, Koji
travelled to England and worked for a jewellery company.
Since beginning work in Aotearoa over 25 years ago, his jewellery has been
represented in more than 50 group and solo exhibitions throughout the country.
The arrival of world leaders and their entourages for Apec in 1999 saw one of Koji’s pieces chosen as a gift for Chelsea Clinton and in 2000 he had a successful exhibition of his jewellery at Mozu Gallery in Osaka.
“When I am making a piece of jewellery I start out with an idea - something I want to express. Next I put my design onto paper, and then I experiment with different materials and methods in order to translate my ideas into actuality. I enjoy the design process and seeing the finished piece made. Through this process, I am able to establish the origin of the idea and its meaning or story.
“Nature is the door to my heritage and wellbeing, providing a link between Japan and
New Zealand. I have now been living in New Zealand longer than Japan, but keeping
true to my culture and memories, continues to keep me calm and helps me to grow
spiritually. In my work, I want to achieve “Wabi-Sabi” - balance and harmony.”
1996 "Summer Set," December, Form Gallery, Christchurch
1997 “My Garden in Four Seasons,” solo show at Form Gallery, Christchurch
“Wabi-Sabi in Nature,” February, solo show at Form Gallery, Christchurch
“Annual Group Show,” July, Fingers, Auckland
“Who’s a Pretty Boy Then?” October, Form Gallery, Christchurch
“Peace on Earth,” December, Lure Gallery, Dunedin
“Seashore Show,” December, Quoil, Wellington
1998 – 2000 “Turangawaewae,” Dowse Art Museum, Hawkes Bay Exhibition Centre, Dunedin Public Art Gallery and Auckland Museum.
1999 “First Year Anniversary Show,” October, Quoil, Wellington
“Form Five,” anniversary show, April, Form Gallery, Christchurch
2000 “Emigre 2”, group show, Te Wa, Wanganui
"Fingers Annual Jewellery Show," Fingers Gallery, Auckland
Solo show at Mozu Gallery, Osaka, Japan
"3 Jewellers Exhibition," Gallery VC, Sydney
2001 “Looking Back: West to East” Solo show at Quoil, Wellington
"Fingers Annual Jewellery Show," Fingers Gallery, Auckland
"Christmas Show," group show, Form Gallery, Christchurch
2002 "Fingers Annual Jewellery Show," Fingers Gallery, Auckland
2003 Japanism, Te Papa Store, Wellington
Japanism, Form Gallery, Christchurch
2004 Adorn, Catchment Gallery, Nelson
Fundraising Exhibition, Dowse Art Museum, Lower Hutt
Nature’s Best, Group Show, Form Gallery, Christchurch
NZ Art Premier, Tamarillo, Wellington
2005 Nature’s Collectables, Ashburton Art Gallery, Ashburton
Unzipped, Inform Contemporary Jewellery, Christchurch
History, Solo Show, Gallery 33, Wanaka
History, Solo show, Form Gallery, Christchurch
2006 Summer Set, Group show, Form Gallery, Christchurch
2007 Kachofugetsu, Solo show, Form Gallery, Christchurch
Kachofugetsu, Solo show, Quoil, Wellington
2009 Talisman exhibition, Christchurch Art Gallery
2010 Wandering, Form Gallery, Christchurch
Wish list, Form Gallery, Christchurch
2011 Re-de Construction, Form Gallery, Christchurch
2012 One to Three, Form Gallery, Christchurch
2013 Heritage, Form Gallery, Christchurch
Twenty Years, Form Gallery, Christchurch
2015 Facets of Five, Form Gallery, Christchurch
2017 The Artist Room, Dunedin
Sustain, Form Gallery, Christchurch
2018 A Walk in The Park, Form Gallery, Christchurch
2019 One individual, Form Gallery, Christchurch
Articles and Publications
Presto Magazine #32, 1997
Gekkan NZ #8, 1997
Rurubu NZ 1998, 1999
Working Overseas 1998, 1999
Pavement #35,1999
“Finding Beauty in Your Forties,” September 1999 (front cover)
Gekkan NZ #7, 2003
E-Cube, 2005
Jewellery Time, 2016
House & Garden Jan 2020 issue
Television Appearances
CHTV, 1998, “City Life Christchurch”
TVS (Japan), Ju1y, 1999, featured on model during ‘Variety show’
TV 2, 1999, “Queer Nation”
"Asian Down-under," 2002 "Queer Nation," 2002
“Neighbourhood” TV1 2017
Showing 1–60 of 63 artworks